C3A Solutions is a Veteran Owned Small Business Headquartered in Fort Bragg, NC providing Fire Support Command & Control (FSC2), Mounted Mission Command-Software (MMC-S), Tactical Radio Support, Digital Sustainment Training (DST), Digital Integration of C2 Systems, and IV&V services to the government as well as the private sector.
Our TEAM members are driven and dedicated to supporting all Echelons. We make sure all your goals are met, and you are trained to accomplish the Mission.
C3A specializes in providing top-tier support for Fire Support Command and Control (FSC2) and Mounted Mission Command (MMC) Systems. Our specialization encompasses the integration of Precision Fires-Dismounted (PF-D’s), Precision Fires-Mounted (PF-M), Mounted Mission Command-Software (MMC-S), Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data Systems (AFATDS), Radars, Mortars, Artillery and HIMARS. Additionally, we will assist in integration of Tactical Radios, including Integrated Tactical Network (ITN) and Legacy radios.
We take immense pride in our established track record, characterized by the consistent delivery of results that are not only reliable but surpass expectations in terms of quality for our valued clients. Our team of professionals brings to the table an astonishing wealth of knowledge and over 50 years of hands-on experience in the specialized domains of Fire Support Command and Control (FSC2) Systems, Mounted Mission Command, Tactical Radios, and Digital Integration.